Station Name URUMQI | IAGA Code WMQ | Geodetic Latitude [deg] 43.81 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] 87.70 | Elevation [m] 908 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2013.042 24193 1289 51499 2 1 2 2013.123 24189 1290 51504 2 1 2 2013.204 24174 1292 51512 2 1 2 2013.288 24183 1290 51516 2 1 2 2013.371 24172 1292 51526 2 1 2 2013.455 24165 1292 51534 2 1 2 2013.538 24162 1291 51541 2 1 2 2013.623 24162 1290 51544 2 1 2 2013.707 24162 1292 51548 2 1 2 2013.790 24151 1294 51553 2 1 2 2013.874 24148 1295 51559 2 1 2 2013.958 24150 1293 51564 2 1 2