Station Name PEDELI | IAGA Code PEG | Geodetic Latitude [deg] 38.083 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] 23.930 | Elevation [m] 380 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2012.042 26398 1847 37392 2 1 2 2012.124 26399 1852 37395 2 1 2 2012.206 26386 1860 37403 2 1 2 2012.290 26397 1863 37404 2 1 2 2012.373 26408 1864 37405 2 1 2 2012.456 26403 1869 37411 2 1 2 2012.540 26397 1874 37416 2 1 2 2012.624 26407 1875 37416 2 1 2 2012.708 26404 1878 37419 2 1 2 2012.791 26394 1884 37423 2 1 2 2012.874 26399 1888 37425 2 1 2 2012.958 26413 1890 37423 2 1 2 2013.042 26411 1896 37425 2 1 2 2013.123 26413 1900 37427 2 2 2 2013.204 26406 1905 37432 2 1 2 2013.288 26419 1908 37433 2 1 2 2013.371 26410 1913 37440 2 2 2 2013.455 26408 1919 37445 2 1 2 2013.538 26411 1922 37450 2 1 2 2013.623 26415 1924 37449 2 1 2 2013.707 26419 1925 37451 2 1 2 2013.790 26413 1930 37454 2 1 2 2013.874 26413 1934 37457 2 1 2 2013.958 26416 1938 37459 2 1 2