Station Name Lonjsko Polje | IAGA Code LON | Geodetic Latitude [deg] 45.408 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] 16.659 | Elevation [m] 95 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2014.042 22348 1414 42160 4 1 2 2014.123 22339 1419 42165 4 1 2 2014.204 22350 1420 42165 4 1 2 2014.288 22352 1425 42167 4 1 2 2014.371 22355 1428 42168 4 1 2 2014.455 22360 1433 42171 4 1 2 2014.538 22363 1437 42172 4 1 2 2014.623 22355 1441 42177 4 1 2 2014.707 22346 1446 42184 4 1 2 2014.790 22345 1449 42187 4 1 2 2014.874 22345 1453 42192 4 1 2 2014.958 22342 1459 42199 4 1 2 2015.042 22342 1462 42201 4 1 2 2015.123 22351 1466 42200 4 1 2 2015.204 22342 1471 42207 4 1 2 2015.288 22350 1473 42208 4 1 2 2015.371 22357 1476 42208 4 1 2 2015.455 22351 1483 42215 4 1 2 2015.538 22350 1487 42220 4 1 2 2015.623 22346 1491 42225 4 1 2 2015.707 22345 1495 42230 4 1 2 2015.790 22342 1500 42234 4 1 2 2015.874 22346 1502 42236 4 1 2 2015.958 22341 1507 42242 4 1 2