Station Name King Edward Point | IAGA Code KEP | Geodetic Latitude [deg] -54.282 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] -36.493 | Elevation [m] 7 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2013.042 15764 -1988 -23142 2 1 2 2013.123 15753 -1987 -23141 2 1 2 2013.204 15736 -1987 -23141 2 1 2 2013.288 15734 -1989 -23139 2 1 2 2013.371 15724 -1987 -23138 2 1 2 2013.455 15716 -1987 -23135 2 2 2 2013.538 15713 -1985 -23133 2 1 2 2013.623 15713 -1984 -23127 2 1 2 2013.707 15712 -1986 -23120 2 1 2 2013.790 15704 -1983 -23117 2 1 2 2013.874 15705 -1982 -23111 2 1 2 2013.958 15707 -1982 -23104 2 1 2 2014.042 15701 -1984 -23102 2 1 2 2014.123 15683 -1981 -23104 2 1 2 2014.204 15677 -1982 -23101 2 1 2 2014.288 15668 -1983 -23102 2 1 2 2014.371 15665 -1984 -23100 2 1 2 2014.455 15665 -1982 -23094 2 1 2 2014.538 15664 -1981 -23089 2 1 2 2014.623 15652 -1980 -23088 2 1 2 2014.707 15642 -1980 -23087 2 1 2 2014.790 15641 -1977 -23083 2 1 2 2014.874 15642 -1976 -23078 2 1 2 2014.958 15639 -1973 -23077 2 1 2 2015.042 15629 -1973 -23077 2 1 2 2015.123 15619 -1973 -23076 2 1 2 2015.204 15600 -1973 -23077 2 1 2 2015.288 15597 -1974 -23076 2 2 2 2015.371 15596 -1973 -23074 2 1 2 2015.455 15586 -1972 -23070 2 1 2 2015.538 15581 -1971 -23071 2 1 2 2015.623 15575 -1969 -23067 2 1 2 2015.707 15570 -1968 -23065 2 1 2 2015.790 15565 -1967 -23063 2 1 2 2015.874 15571 -1966 -23056 2 1 2 2015.958 15568 -1965 -23055 2 1 2