Station Name Jaipur | IAGA Code JAI | Geodetic Latitude [deg] 26.920 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] 75.800 | Elevation [m] 0 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2013.042 35258 -22 31013 2 1 2 2013.123 35258 -19 31022 2 1 2 2013.204 35247 -13 31028 2 1 2 2013.288 35260 -11 31038 2 1 2 2013.371 35247 -7 31053 2 1 2 2013.455 35239 -8 31062 2 2 2 2013.538 35239 -7 31070 2 1 2 2013.623 35244 -3 31074 2 2 2 2013.707 35247 -1 31079 2 2 2 2013.790 35241 3 31086 2 1 2 2013.874 35240 7 31092 2 1 2 2013.958 35243 9 31100 2 1 2 2014.042 35245 13 31106 2 1 2 2014.123 35238 16 31113 2 1 2 2014.204 35251 17 31117 2 1 2 2014.288 35244 21 31125 2 1 2 2014.371 35249 22 31133 2 1 2 2014.455 35254 25 31138 2 1 2 2014.538 35259 27 31146 2 1 2 2014.623 35247 28 31152 2 1 2 2014.707 35236 32 31159 2 1 2 2014.790 35235 34 31165 2 1 2 2014.874 35235 38 31173 2 1 2 2014.958 35230 41 31183 2 1 2 2015.042 35230 42 31191 2 1 2 2015.123 35238 45 31197 2 1 2 2015.204 35227 50 31206 2 1 2 2015.288 35234 49 31214 2 1 2 2015.371 35239 53 31222 2 1 2 2015.455 35231 55 31231 2 1 2 2015.538 35232 57 31242 2 1 2 2015.623 35223 59 31252 2 1 2 2015.707 35219 62 31260 2 1 2 2015.790 35217 65 31268 2 1 2 2015.874 35225 66 31276 2 1 2 2015.958 35220 69 31287 2 1 2